I had something like this in the script:
$rebootGroups=@(([adsisearcher]"(&(objectCategory=computer)(cn=$env:COMPUTERNAME))").FindOne().Properties.memberof -replace '^CN=([^,]+).+$','$1' -match 'grp.reboot.')
That is a one liner to check if the current computer where the script is running is member of any AD groups that starts with 'grp.reboot'.
Later in the script, I had an if statement checking if I got any groups back and act on them:
If ($rebootGroups.count -ne 0) {...}
If computer is indeed in any one of these groups, we would get a count greater than zero.
What happens if computer is not member of any such groups? We might expect to get back a count of '0', but in fact we get a count of '1'.
Here is proof:
PS C:\> $a=@($false) PS C:\> $b=$false PS C:\> $c=$true PS C:\> $a.count;$b.count;$c.count 1 1 1
It could be argued that the first one makes some sense. At the end, it is an [array] type with a single element and hence count should not be 0.
The more interesting is the second one '$b', which is a boolean and regardless of its value ($true or $false), the count property of a boolean is 1.
So, in this case, we would fix the logic by checking if $false was returned, as ($rebootGroups.count -ne 0) will never be equal to 0!
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