PS Z:\> gp HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |? {$_.DisplayName -match "security" } | select DisplayName,UninstallString |ft -auto DisplayName UninstallString ----------- --------------- Microsoft Security Essentials C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\Setup.exe /x Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.2 MsiExec.exe /I{08C3441C-4FAF-48D3-A551-70DD6031734F} Microsoft Security Client MsiExec.exe /I{42738DB0-FC3E-4672-A99B-9372F5696E30}
First one was promising. So, I started the PowerShell from an elevated command prompt to avoid UAC, and typed the following:
PS Z:\>$UninstallString='"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\Setup.exe" /x'
Followed by:
PS Z:\>Invoke-Command { param($UninstallString);&cmd /c $UninstallString } -ArgumentList $UninstallString
I did not yet pass a computer list with -computer parameter. This command did start the uninstall "wizard". I did not want to baby-sit the installation, in other words, I wanted to run the uninstall silently, so I started looking at other parameters that would do it and found out that, "/s" is the parameter I was looking for. The command below took care of the uninstalls silently:
PS Z:\>$UninstallString='"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\Setup.exe" /x /s' PS Z:\>Invoke-Command -computer (gc .\computers.txt) { param($UninstallString);&cmd /c $UninstallString } -ArgumentList $UninstallString
Where computers.txt contains the list of machines.
Update - 2012-08-08: PowerShell 3.0 has an updated syntax, that simplifies this code greatly. See this post: