It's about an unhelpful message from dsquery and how PowerShell parsing of commands from cmd.exe could be problematic.
So the command we are interested in is:
dsget user <DN> -part <AD Partition> -qused -display
dsget user "CN=adil,OU=xyz Users,DC=xyz,DC=org" -part dc=xyz,dc=org -qused -display
Instead of typing DistinguishedName of the user, it is also possible to get that from dsquery and then pipe it to dsget:
dsquery user -samid <KerberosID> | dsget user -part <AD Partition> -qused -display
dsquery user -samid adil | dsget user -part dc=xyz,dc=org -qused -display display qused Hindistan, Adil 700 dsget succeeded
Note that there is a space between 'xyz users', so we enclosed that part in quotes for cmd to parse it correctly. Otherwise you would get an error:
dsget failed:Value for 'Target object for this command' has incorrect format.
If you however run the last command in PowerShell, it will not work:
PS H:\> dsquery user -samid adil | dsget user -part dc=xyz,dc=org -qused -display dsget failed:A referral was returned from the server. type dsget /? for help.
To error becomes more meaningful if you omit the dsquery part and just run dsget:
PS H:\> dsget user "CN=adil,OU=xyz Users,DC=xyz,DC=org" -part dc=nyumc,dc=org -qused -display dsget failed:'dc=org' is an unknown parameter. type dsget /? for help.
So, PowerShell is looking at the part after -part and does not interpret it as cmd.exe would. There are several ways to fix this:
1) Simply use quotes or single quotes around the part after -part
PS H:\> dsget user "CN=adil,OU=xyz Users,DC=xyz,DC=org" -part "dc=nyumc,dc=org" -qused -display
The other option is to tell PowerShell to run cmd.exe and let it parse the rest using call operator:
PS H:\> &cmd.exe /c 'dsget user "CN=adil,OU=xyz Users,DC=xyz,DC=org" -part dc=nyumc,dc=org -qused -display' Display qused Hindistan, Adil 700 dsget succeeded
And here is a little function I wrote to beautify it (yep, I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder)
function Get-DomainJoinCount { param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('ID','SamID')][string]$KerberosId='adil' ) dsquery user -samid $KerberosID | dsget user -part "dc=xyz,dc=org" -qused -display).trim() -replace '\s{2,}',';' | select -skip 1 -First 1 | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';' -Header "User Name","Count" } PS H:\> Get-DomainJoinCount adil |ft -AutoSize User Name Count --------- ----- Hindistan, Adil 700
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