Here is how Try/Catch is block is constructed:
Try {
## Some code here which is likely to fail
Catch {
## What to do if try block has a "terminating" error
Here is an example:
try { get-content c:\a.txt;"file exists" }catch{"that file does not exist"}
If you run the code above; it will throw an error on the Get-Content if 'c:\a.txt' file does not exist. And in theory we should be able to catch that but that is not exactly what happens:
PS Z:\> try { get-content c:\a.txt;"file exists" }catch{"that file does not exist"}
get-content : Cannot find path 'C:\a.txt' because it does not exist.
At line:1 char:7
+ try { get-content c:\a.txt;"file exists" }catch{"that file does not exist"}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\a.txt:String) [Get-Content], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand
file exist
PS Z:\>
Did you notice that "file exist" line being printed? Umm, what happened?
Well, remember I said "terminating" errors are caught. the first line is an error but not a terminating error. And therefore, the next line is executed.
Anything we can do to stop this? Yes, use -ErrorAction after the command or $ErrorActionPreference.
PS Z:\> try { get-content c:\a.txt -ErrorAction stop; "file exists" }catch{"that file does not exist"}
that file does not exist
PS Z:\>
With ErrorAction set to STOP, the error on the first line becomes a terminating error and hence get caught in the CATCH {} block.
Similarly, we can set the $ErrorActionPreference variable before the line top "STOP"; and tell our code to treat any error as terminating one.
PS Z:\> $ErrorActionPreference="STOP"; try { get-content c:\a.txt; "file exists" }catch{"that file does not exist"}
that file does not exist
PS Z:\>
If not specified, $ErrorActionPreference is set to "Continue".
PS Z:\> $ErrorActionPreference
PS Z:\>
Note that it is not "SilentlyContinue", which would execute the next statement without complaining about the error.
PS Z:\> try { get-content c:\a.txt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; "file exists" }catch{"that file does not exist"}
file exist
This is equivalent to "On Error Resume Next" in vbScript.
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