And the way I prefer it with Get-ChildItem (gci)
gci HKLM:\Software\microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
But of course when I type that it shows me the registry keys under that path
SKC VC Name ; --- -- ---- -------- 3 1 OptionalComponents {(default)}
If I actually wanted to see the content, the command to use is Get-ItemProperty (gp)
gp hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\ Kernel and Hardware Abstraction Layer : KHALMNPR.EXE Adobe Reader Speed Launcher : "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe" atchk : "C:\Program Files\Intel\AMT\atchk.exe"
I removed the PSxxx properties from the results above.
So, what if I wanted remove the registry entry for Adobe Reader Speed Launcher?
Remove-ItemProperty does that: remove-itemproperty hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run -name "Adobe Reader Speed Launcher"
Is there an alias for that? We can use Get-Alias (gal) to find out
gal | where {$_.Definition -eq "Remove-ItemProperty"} |select name Name ------ rpNote that, we removed something directly under Run key. If we wanted to create a key or delete it, we would not use "*-ItemProperty" but "new-item (ni)" and "remove-item (ri)" respectively:
ni hklm:\software\blahblah ri hklm:\software\blahblah
Interestingly, if you wanted to search for "blahblah" with gci using a filter like this:
gci hklm:\Software -include "blah*"
it would not work as registry key is a 'path'. So you would use something like
gci hklm:\software | where {$ -match "blah"}or
gci hklm:\software | where {$_.PsPath -match "blah"}Notice that -match (regexp search) works but -like (pattern search... more like -eq) does not:
gci hklm:\software | where {$ -like "blah*"}returns nothing.
I was curious to find out why; so I typed
gci hklm:\software\ |where {$ -match "blah*"} |fl *and reason is clear:
Name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\blahblah
So, changing above search pattern to "*blah*" works:
gci hklm:\software | where {$ -like "*blah*"}
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